Creative Development and Teaching Creativity

The Best Resources for Creative Learning and Creative Development in Children and The Importance of Teaching Creativity:

10 Mental Blocks in Creative Thinking

There is No Spoon (Clip from The Matrix)

Child prodigy Adora Svitak says the world needs “childish” thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and especially optimism:

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity:

Five Tips for Encouraging Creativity in Children

Identifying the Creative Thinker

24 Tips for Developing Creativity in Students and Yourself: Written by the dean of arts and sciences at Tufts and a professor from Cornell. Excellent article.

Creative Thinking Activities with SCAMPER: This is the best site we found for explaining SCAMPER. However, to make it appropriate for children, remove the word “selling” and think of using SCAMPER with artwork, writing, or a project.

How to Test for Creativity in Children 

How to Cultivate Creativity in Children

The Decline of Creativity: Are Schools to Blame?

Important Tips on How to Raise a Creative Child

Tips for not Stifling a Child’s Creativity

Unleash Your Creative Genius 

Creativity Scores Going Down 

Creativity Scores Going Down in the US

How TV is Making Children Less Creative


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