Exquisite Minds: Creative and Gifted Children

Exquisite Minds believes in the importance of cultivating creativity in bright and gifted children. We believe creativity can solve almost any problem; rather than why something can’t be done, it’s how it can be done. Exquisite Minds offers support to parents and educators who want to challenge children to find new and constructive ways to look at the world.

Good Study Habits: How to Help

Parents can help with good study habits by creating a comfortable environment and a set routine which allows for the least amount of dissent. As we know, studying hurts, but failing hurts worse.
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Developing Empathy in Children by Using Fiction

Reading literary fiction plays an important role in developing empathy in children. Here's how and why to use literary fiction...
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Questions to Ask at Parent Teacher Conferences

Bringing your own questions to parent teacher conferences ensures that the issues foremost on your mind are discussed. If you are not proactive about organizing your thoughts prior to the conference, your concerns may be neglected.
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Gifted Testing

Gifted Testing: IQ Tests for Children Gifted Testing: For lack of a better method, individual standardized tests are used to determine a person’s level of intelligence. Level of intelligence can be used to determine who qualifies for the label of …
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Letting College Students Choose Their Own Courses

No one knows more than a teenager, just ask them and they’ll tell you. Talk to a gifted teenager and you may even get additional attitude. What happens when the child-who-knows-everything wants to start college by choosing their own courses? Reasons for letting college …
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When You Want to Learn Something New: Turn to TED

There are times when I fear my brain may be turning to mush. This may be due in part to the new entertainment in my world, like reality TV, my iPod and Facebook. At these times of brain deterioration, I realize it’s …
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Creative Kids: Making Videos for You Tube

Encouraging your child to create videos can stimulate creativity and keep them busy. If your child gets lucky, they may even make some money. Creative kids
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Classroom Dynamics: What you can do

With each new year, classroom dynamics change. Offering your child a few tips for starting the year off right can make all the difference.
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The Issue: Sexual Harassment at School

It is distressing to find out your child is being sexually harassed by another student, it can also be equally upsetting to find out your child is the perpetrator in a sexual harassment incident. The best of parents can have a child on either side, one who behaves inappropriately or a child who is a victim. Avoiding the common mistakes parents and educators make can help prevent additional trauma to those involved.
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Three Good Study Habits For Kids

Below are three good study habits for kids which will help them succeed at school. Educators are taught children’s work and study habits are set by age...
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Homeschooling: the pros and cons

The strongest pro I have found is that students can work at their own pace and therefore are free to spend more time on topics they are passionate about...
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